On March 6th, 1957, Ghana gained independence. It was an opportunity for our forefathers to make their own decisions and choices. At the time, they were using manual methods of doing almost everything including farming and Manufacturing using traditional craft and repair work associated with mining and plantation activities. As in many sub-Saharan African countries, post-independence governments have launched industrialization program based on import substitution.
In the absence of an African entrepreneurial class in manufacturing, the public sector has the responsibility to champion industrial revolution. Even that, there were issues with regards to technological innovation. As we celebrate this important milestone in Ghana’s history, it is essential to reflect on the progress made and the challenges that lie ahead. One area that has seen significant progress over the years is technology, and it is crucial to involve the youth in this area for the nation’s development.
Technology has become an essential tool for development and progress in every aspect of our lives, from education to business, healthcare, agriculture, and more. It has made the world a smaller place and has connected people from different parts of the world. Ghana, like other countries in Africa, has recognized the importance of technology and has made significant investments in this area. One of the significant challenges Ghana faces today is the high youth unemployment rate. The World Bank estimates that about 48% of Ghana’s population is under the age of 25. This presents a significant opportunity for the country to harness the potential of the youth through technology.`
To fully harness the potential of the youth, Ghana needs to invest in technology infrastructure, provide access to affordable internet services, and create an enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. These efforts will help create jobs and opportunities for the youth, which will ultimately lead to the nation’s development. 66 years on, we can see different levels of independence for everyone. For most young people, independence is when they turn 18 so they can attain the legal age of and do whatever they wish to do, for many, independence is when they move out of their Father’s house. But for us, REAL Independence is when you have the freedom to work or do things effortlessly using modern technology.
AO Holdings offers you the opportunity to use modern technology to achieve more in whichever industry you operate in. We have innovative software that help in planning Enterprise Resources well (ERP solutions) and others including professional website, mobile applications, specialized software and IT support services to help you achieve more.
Contact us via 0552613529 or operations@aoholdings.net or visit www.aoholdings.net or social media @aoholdings for more information